September 23, 2024

Polling update

In the NBC poll Trump is ahead among men (52%-40%), white voters (52%-43%) and white voters without college degrees (61%-33%). Seventy-one percent of all voters say their minds are made up, while 11% say they might change their vote — a shift from April, when 26% said they could still change their mind...

Harris holds the advantage among Black voters (85%-7%), voters ages 18-34 (57%-34%), women (58%-37%), white voters with college degrees (59%-38%) and independents (43%-35%).

Total electoral votes: 538 --270 needed to win. Harris currently has 228.  Biden won in 2020 with 306.  There are now 43 electoral votes too close to call, 1 more than Harris needs.

Harris-Trump-Others 3 poll average: Trump leads by 2
Electoral vote: VIRTUAL TIE

Three poll average: Harris/Trump/Others Trump leads by 3%
Electoral vote change: Trump gets 16

Harris/Trump/Others three poll average:  Harris leads by 1%
Electoral vote:
Too close to call

Harris/Trump 3 poll average 4 0 4   Trump leads by 3% - 2% better than 2020
Electoral vote: Trump gets 15

2024 Poll average: Harris leads by 4% -
Electoral count: Harris gets 20

Harris leads by 2%
Electoral count: Virtual tie


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