June 19, 2024


Time - The average cost of keeping the house cool in the U.S. is expected to jump by nearly 8% this summer. Experts forecast cooling costs to reach an average of $719 from June 2024 through September, compared to $661 during the same period last year, according to a report by NEADA and the Center for Energy, Poverty and Climate. It's an upward trend that has continued over the past decade.

Robert Reich 813 U.S. billionaires hold more wealth than half of American households.

Time - Prices in grocery stores across the country are now up 25% from pre-pandemic levels, data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics shows...Within the last few years, 80% of Americans say they’ve felt a notable increase in the cost of groceries—and more than a quarter have said they’ve occasionally skipped meals as a result of rising costs...

Most recent USDA data from 2022 shows that Americans were spending an average of 11% of their discretionary income on eating both at home and in restaurants—the highest percentage since 1991.... Americans spend an average of $550 a month on groceries... However, grocery prices are likely to vary greatly depending on a family’s size...

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