September 28, 2017

Georgetown Law professors join the NFL in kneeling

Huffington Post - In what may be a first, a style of protest that started in the NFL has spread directly to ... Georgetown Law.

Faculty members at the prestigious law school took a knee Tuesday morning in dissent of a visit by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was on campus to “give remarks about free speech.”

Professors at the school have vociferously opposed the visit by Sessions. In an open letter published ahead of the event, signed by around a third of the law school’s faculty, professors lambasted it as “hypocritical” and “troubling.”

“We, the undersigned, condemn the hypocrisy of Attorney General Sessions speaking about free speech,” the letter reads. “Sessions is a key cabinet member in an administration headed by a President who spent last weekend denouncing athletes engaging in free expression and calling for them to be fired.”


Bill Hicks said...

Funny how none of these supposedly highly educated people ever thought to protest while Iraq, Libya and Syria were being wantonly destroyed or thousands off innocent people were being slaughtered via drone strikes. They were fine with crimes against humanity, just so long as it was the "respectable" faces of Bush and Obama committing them. Bunch of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Odd how few people seem to recognise the more-established --by hundreds of years-- meaning of the gesture: genuflecting, "bending the knee", displaying subservience.