January 12, 2025


 Jule Pattison-Gordon, Governing

  • Groceries are about 20 percent more expensive than they were pre-pandemic. Residents who’ve seen their community grocery stores close must trek long distances for fresh food.
  • A New York Assembly member and Chicago’s mayor have proposed creating city-owned grocery stores to bring residents affordable, fresh food.
  • Government-owned groceries may be a new idea for big cities, but not for rural America. A handful of small towns and cities have tried similar ideas, but with mixed success.

1 comment:

Greg Gerritt said...

We need to rethink a whole lot about who ows the economy ause when the rich dominate, like now, it does not work very well for most even as the stockmarket goes up. We need a whole lot more equality in it before it will work in our communities.