July 5, 2024

Some Supreme Court options

Newsweek - We are the only nation on Earth with lifetime appointments for our highest court, and with good reason. Lifetime appointments work against every reasonable democratic principle. Right now, out of the nine justices turning our republic into a mockery, three were appointed by a president who did not win the popular vote. ... Clarence Thomas has been there since 1991, which means that if you were born after 1970, you never had the chance to vote for the president who appointed him. Alito and John Roberts have both been on the bench for over 18 years.  The Constitution does not specify lifetime appointments, but only that justices serve "during good behavior." The Constitution also does not, in any way, say that there can only be nine justices on the Supreme Court; Congress gets to determine that. It is only tradition that has kept the number at nine since 1869.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a candidate Biden pledged to address issues with the Supreme Court.

Shortly after he was elected Biden appointed a Presidential Commission to explore options for improving the Supreme Court. Around six months later the Commission produced a report. No action was taken as a result.
