July 5, 2024


Neighborhood Food Coops - Celebrated worldwide for more than a century and officially proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on the centenary of the International Cooperative Alliance in 1995, the International Day of Co-operatives is commemorated annually on the first Saturday of July.

  • Local Food Systems. On average, more than 25% of sales at our member co-ops were local products, supporting small producers and building more resilient communities.
  • Food Security. When you shop at your co-op, you’re making healthy, affordable food more accessible to everyone in your community, and ensuring reliable markets for local farmers and producers.
  • Good Jobs. You’re supporting more sustainable jobs and better wages for employees. 60% of co-op staff are also members, sharing in the ownership of their grocery store.
  • Sustainability. Your consumer dollars support family farming, organic agriculture, reduced packaging, and a business model based on meeting people’s needs rather than maximizing profits.
  • A More Inclusive Economy. Your Neighboring Food Co-ops are jointly owned and democratically governed by 185,000 members — people like you who are working together to build a better food system and economy that works for everyone.

From farmer co-ops to food co-ops, worker co-ops to credit unions, housing co-ops to mutual insurance, co-operative businesses strengthen communities, enhance local resources, advocate for social responsibility, and promote sustainable business practices based on long-term well-being rather than short-term profits.

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