December 5, 2023

Politics update

Axios - Just 49% of 18-29-year-olds "definitely" plan to vote for president in 2024, down from 57% who said the same in the fall of 2019 [according to a Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School poll. The 2020 turnout for Americans 18-29 is estimated at about 50%. Why it matters: Young voters have voted solidly Democratic in recent elections. Strong turnout in 2020 and 2022 contributed to Democratic wins. Younger Black Americans saw a sharp decline, with 38% saying they'll "definitely vote" next year, compared to 50% in 2019. Hispanic Americans also had a steep drop, with 40% saying they'll "definitely vote" in 2024, compared to 56% in 2019.

CNN - Republican senators warned Monday they are prepared to block a huge Ukraine-Israel aid package unless it includes major US border policy changes. It remains to be seen what can be achieved before the Senate leaves for the holidays after border talks hit an impasse over the weekend. But with time running short, one option would be for Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to move to advance an aid package without the border policy changes and dare Republicans to vote no on additional aid to Ukraine and Israel, which has been an important priority for many Senate Republicans. Schumer would need nine Republicans to overcome a procedural hurdle, something that many Republicans signaled Monday they wouldn't help Democrats do.

​Negotiations among congressional leaders over spending limits for fiscal 2024 appropriations are moving at a glacial pace, sources familiar with the talks say, calling into doubt lawmakers’ ability to enact final bills early next year without another stopgap spending measure. Read more...

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