December 5, 2023

How the Republicans have twisted voting

The Hartmann Report - Out of the 226 countries and territories in the world, 122 of them either require universal voter registration (like we do for the draft for young men) or automatically put you on the voter rolls when you turn 18. Virtually every democracy does this, and in many high-profile democracies like Argentina, Chile, Israel, and the Netherlands you’re automatically registered from census and birth records. At least forty countries, including many in Europe, hold elections entirely by mail, just like we’ve done here in Oregon (and 4 other states) for over 20 years without a single whiff of problem or scandal. Because voting by mail makes it easier for people to look up candidates (particularly for obscure positions like judgeships and county boards) and their positions while filling out the ballot at the kitchen table with a laptop and Google, however, Republican-led Red states are radically increasing their restrictions on vote-by-mail, drop boxes, and absentee ballots...

The number of people who vote when they’re not eligible, or vote more than once, has never, ever, in the history of our country (or any other developed country) had any meaningful influence whatsoever over any election. “Voter fraud” (individuals voting fraudulently) is a non-issue, and irrelevant to the process of a functioning democracy. It’s never, ever swung an election. Or at least it was irrelevant, until the GOP decided that an easy way to shave election margins was to prevent Democratic voters from casting a ballot, and use the phony boogieman of “voter fraud” make it as hard and expensive for them as possible.

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