November 21, 2023

Trump update

Mark Esper, who served as Donald Trump's secretary of defense, issued a stark warning about the former president's calls for retribution. Trump, who remains the frontrunner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, has made "retribution" a key theme of his campaign, telling his supporters in a March speech, "I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution." His rhetoric has sparked concerns from security experts about the potential for violence surrounding the election next November. Mark Esper, whose opposition to Trump's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 election led to his departure from the administration, warned about the "threat" posed by the former president's rhetoric. "It's retribution, not just against political opponents, but he's going to go after institutions in our democracy. That's a threat to the republic, in my mind, and certainly it's eroding our political culture," he said.

Jason Miciak, Washington Press -  Even though Trump is the world’s biggest liar, he is 100% truthful when he tells us what he plans. His words must be taken seriously because he’s shown that he will do what he says he intends to do. Trump has promised to put federal troops in cities that aren’t “enforcing the laws properly.” And he has promised to use what he calls federal assets to “shoot” shoplifters and looters. Talk about no due process.

On Saturday, Trump promised to “take over” our capital city during a speech at a rally in Iowa. If we read what he said alongside the above promises to use the military, he is telling us that he will occupy Washington, DC with federal troops.  On Saturday, he promised that “they won’t get away with it” while speaking about what’s being done to him personally. He has promised to be the “retribution” — another word for vengeance.

Donald Trump continues to play medical record three-card monte, as the former president released a short note from his doctor instead of his medical records.

Here is Trump’s latest attempt at hiding his health records:

Donald Trump got away with not releasing his medical records during the 2016 election and refused medical information while he was president. Trump and his administration lied about how sick he was with COVID, and there remain suspicious trips to Walter Reed that have never been adequately explained.

In contrast, President Biden released a 5-page health summary of his most recent physical in 2023. Trump’s note from his doctor was not even five paragraphs long.  President Biden released decades of his medical history and records in 2019. The records included specifics about what Biden has been treated for and when. Trump’s vague note from his doctor notably contained many generalities but no specifics.

Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by seven points in the latest Messenger/Harris poll conducted by HarrisX. A majority of voters think Biden (67%) and Trump (55%) should not run for a second term. However, only 25% of Republicans think Trump shouldn’t seek another term, while 40% of Democrats think the same of Biden. Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pulls 14% support in a four-way matchup. (More)

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