November 27, 2023

Meanwhile. . .

The Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from an incarcerated man in Illinois who argued that his prolonged solitary confinement and denial of outdoor exercise violates the Eighth Amendment. Michael Johnson, the plaintiff, spent three years in solitary in a small, windowless cell at Pontiac Correctional Center in Illinois, where he was routinely denied the ability to exercise as punishment for behavioral symptoms of his mental illness. In response to the Court’s rejection, Johnson’s lawyer stated “we are saddened to live in an era where imposing such cruelty—let alone on a person known to suffer from mental illness — is acceptable to any federal judge.” 

Videoconferencing can lead to increased exhaustion, according to a recent study that monitored the brains of university students attending lectures online.    Participants were found to have reduced heart rates and reported feeling tired, drowsy and “fed up” compared with those attending lectures in person. More

How Homo sapiens became the last human species left

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