March 23, 2023

Stupid stuff

 AP -  Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ' administration is moving to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades... The proposal, which would not require legislative approval, is scheduled for a vote next month before the state Board of Education ... The rule change would ban lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity from grades 4 to 12, unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take. The initial law that DeSantis championed last spring bans those lessons in kindergarten through the third grade.


Greg Gerritt said...

Too bad we cannot outlaw oppression. De Santis should be tried for crimes against humanity for his treatment of children

Anonymous said...

Sadly, we may not be far from the book burnings and oppressions of Fascist Germany

Semper Paratus