November 18, 2019

The problem recycling wind turbine blades

1 comment:

amaranth farm said...

The Green Economy is anything but verdant for the offshore accounts of Industrialists. Lithium is not clean nor green, yet is is going to be the energy carrier that saves us. Even if we can find an economical way to recycle the deadly metal, the process will involve a series of toxic slurries to catalyze, precipitate, then neutralize along with all the water that is needed to rinse in between steps. Scale that up to replace every infernal combustion contraption and you will be despoiling groundwater to a greater extent than the fumes of yore have done to the climate.

All the supposed green alternatives are just as hindered by the realities of how they are produced and dealt with at the end of life cycle. It is a finite planet. We need to start comprehending that the infinite nature of economics is part and parcel of the problem. Finding new ways to have more people consume energy is not a prescription for sustainability.