November 18, 2019

70% of Americans say Trump actions tied to Ukraine were wrong

1 comment:

Tom Puckett said...

Well, I seriously doubt whether 350 million (USA) Americans were polled for this stat! Regardless, its not important what Americans "say" but what actually happened.

Wasn't recent testimony to the effect that some guy who wasn't a party to the phone call heard someone say something?

This is just Russia Gate Part II - another ruse to keep "Americans" that is, lame-stream news consumers (sorry that so many are so beat down by their jobs that all they can do is turn on the "tube" before crashing at night) thinking that something is amiss.

This relieves the corporate-owned Dems from talking about and proposing solutions to real problems - health care for all, education, clean water and environment - all paid for by our pooled tax dollars, instead of using that same money for bombs and military equipment!

It also might keep the US Senators running for President out of Iowa, for example, when they need to be there before the caucuses (get togethers, not the mountains)...

"Look well, Oh Wolves!" -- Akela, The Jungle Books, Rudyard Kipling

Cheers, Tom