July 31, 2015


Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them. - HL Mencken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The use of ancient near eastern religion assisted the destruction of ancient local euro religions, much as with native american religions. The Druid survival reflected in Transcendentalism linked by Emerson to Hinduism, got him banned from Harvard. But Harvard was Druid enough as a Puritan institution. The loss of the ancient earthy nature religions has cost environmentalists who still haven't articulated a dominant cultural value that the planet is sacred. There is only one commandment, don't mess with Mother Nature. The problem with capitalism, which Marx showed, it requires messing with nature. The Pope asserts the fundamental tenet of any religion, don't mess with Creation. Americans have mostly abandoned Brit Druidic Protestantism for Weber's Christian Capitalism competing against Godless Communism, Islam and local heathen traditions.