May 7, 2015

Messing with Comcast

Mark Plotkin, The Hill - For nearly 10 years, I was the political analyst and commentator for WTOP radio in Washington. This station is the most-listened-to station in the capital area. The all-news station is a place for members of Congress and officials of government agencies to tune in and get their daily dose of information.

I did a series of commentaries blasting Comcast for its devious billing practices. The essence of my criticism was that customers in the D.C. area (including parts of Maryland and Virginia) were receiving bills that made it look like they had to pay their charges two or three days after they received the bill. In fact, they had 45 days, but you had to turn the bill upside down and find the small print to discover that fact. Obviously, Comcast was not pleased with my views.

To demonstrate their displeasure, Comcast canceled $500,000 worth of advertising on WTOP. A member of management said to me: "I think you should know that Comcast has withdrawn $500,000 in advertising and I would appreciate it if you would stop." I did not.

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