April 18, 2015

Welcome aboard

Howard Dean “delivered a stinging critique of modern day capitalism, warning that the economic system is ‘going to fail’ unless substantial efforts are made to regulate the financial industry and reduce income inequality,” the New York Observer reports.
Gary Hart: “Our Founders created a republic and, being keen students of the history of republics beginning with Athens, they knew that placing special and narrow interests ahead of the common good and the commonwealth was the corruption that destroyed republics. They feared this kind of corruption as the greatest danger to America’s success and survival. By this standard, today’s American Republic is massively corrupt. Every interest group in our nation has staff lobbyists and hires lobbying firms. Thousands of lobbying firms now penetrate the halls of Congress as well as all State capitols and city halls. Those same lobbying firms collect funds for election and re-election campaigns. In exchange, they have access to legislatures and administrations, those who write the laws and make the regulations.If the national presidency were to pass back and forth between two or three families in any Latin American nation we would call it an oligarchy.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dean and Hart - two DLCers. Think they're reconstructed? If so, I've got a nice toll bridge available - you can even keep the tolls you collect. I'll make you a special price.