April 18, 2015

Coverage of Hillary Clinton changing

Progressive Review - Having covered Clinton family misdeeds since the early 1990s, we're aware of how little mainstream coverage of many of them has actually occurred. So we were startled to see this story in the Washington Post which actually discusses issues such as Whitewater in a way we have rarely seen in conventional media before. It's not complete - doesn't get into the false indictment of a White House aide in Travelgate or the number of seniors ripped off by the Clintons' Whitewater scheme - but it is a real change.

We have also been struck by how HRC's apparent plan to handle her campaign as if it were one of those hour long jewelry ad programs on TV is already running into trouble. The problem is that it distracts people from things that might actually affect their vote. How she goes to get a chipotle or what sort of van she's in doesn't really help matters much.

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