January 3, 2015

Kale konspiracy exposed

Your editor has taken some grief for his claim that there is a kale konspiracy directed by foodies against his green favorites such as spinach, peas and succotash. Now the Centers for Disease Control has come to his aid:

Alternet - Yes, kale has plenty of benefits, including high levels of folate and more calcium, gram for gram, than a cup of milk. Still, kale's actually not the healthiest green on the block. A recent report published by the Centers for Disease Control that ranked 47 "powerhouse fruits and vegetables," kale placed only 15th (with 49.07 points out of 100 for nutrient density)

Here's a roundup of the 10 leafy green cousins researchers say pack a greater nutritional wallop.

Note that spinach ranks almost twice as high as kale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I either have growing or have grown every green on the Alternet list. One thing kale has all of these beat in is cold hardiness. I've had kale survive 6F temperatures and still send out new leaves in less than a week after the cold snap ended. All the others died in that cold.