January 3, 2015

Corporate crime surged in 2014

Dirt Diggers Digest - Corporate crime surged once again in 2014 as large corporations continued to pay hefty fines and settlements that seem to do little to deter misbehavior in the suites. Payouts in excess of $1 billion have become commonplace and some even reach into eleven figures, as seen in Bank of America's $16 billion settlement with the Justice Department.

Banks are not the only culprits. The year also saw major cases involving a variety of large corporations for offenses such as bribery, price-fixing, contracting fraud and, of course, widespread safety infractions by the auto industry. See The 2014 Corporate Rap Sheet.

1 comment:

Jenefer Ellingston said...

Corporate fraud was more 'visible' in 2014 (delayed since 2007-8)but not more than usual. Also, Fines were minimal cost to the culprits,
the shareholders paid...
(Matt Taibibi etc)

Jenefer E.
(Sen. Warren takes up my slogan:
Too big to Fail? Not too big to jail