January 8, 2025


New Republic -  Washington lawmakers have shown little urgency in repealing the underlying laws and authorizations that have enabled and expanded the “war on terror.” Now they’re soon to be used by Trump, who has promised “retribution” at home and the continuation of unilateral military action abroad, with little to no transparency. Trump will take office fully aware of the challenges he faces and the leeway that inattentive Capitol Hill lawmakers—content to either bask in the “success” of our foreign policy or, more often, serve as courtier-critics amid its failures—have granted the executive branch. Trump is stacking his Cabinet with the kind of true believers who will take advantage of the lack of legislative pushback and who will be more radical than those who served in his first term.  

National Memo -  As the Senate GOP seeks to confirm Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence ahead of Donald Trump's inauguration in less that two weeks, Democrats are blocking the way to a confirmation date, according to Politico.   Per the report, "Committee rules stipulate that vetting paperwork for the nominees must be received by the panel at least one week before the confirmation hearings. But snow and office closures at the Office of Governmental Ethics have slowed civil servants from processing some of the necessary vetting paperwork for" the MAGA nominee. Democrats are so far unwilling to waive the rules.


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