June 29, 2024

The Biden issue

Sam Smith -  Although many, including even the New York Times, think Biden should drop out of the race, I'm holding on until I get some more facts. It's too early for meaningful polling, but right now Biden and Trump are tied according to our checking a variety of polls. (Two polls that ended on Friday - by Morning Consult and SurveyUSA - have, respectively Trump ahead by 1 point  and Biden ahead by 2.) And a  June 28 Data for Progress poll finds several of the favored alternatives to Biden not doing all that well. Trump beats Whitmer by 2 points, and Newsom and Harris by 3. 

The problem is that in politics traditional participants - whether political or media - tend to leap to conclusions at times like this Well established liberals - like their GOP opponents - can perceive solutions that fit their desires more than available reality, which in this case is we just don't know.

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