June 26, 2024

Middle East

NPR -  Nearly all of Gaza’s population is struggling with food shortages and hunger, and half a million people now face starvation, according to a new report. The analysis was conducted by 35 experts from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classifications, some from U.N. agencies and major aid groups. The I.P.C. was founded two decades ago to address famine in Somalia at the time. 

Here’s what their new analysis found:

➡️  After aid access reportedly improved in March and April, increased military action and repeated displacement in May made conditions worse and blocked life-saving aid for Gazans.
➡️  More than half of households in Gaza have had to exchange clothes and other goods for money. A third have resorted to picking up trash to sell.
➡️ The World Food Programme, which distributes food in Gaza says in order to prevent famine, people need to be able to have access to the nutrients found in fresh food, clean water and functioning hospitals. 
➡️ Shortages of drinking water have also been reported and the amount of medical aid crossing into Gaza is also insufficient, according to the World Health Organization. 
​​​​​​➡️ With experts warning that Gaza is at high risk of famine, here’s when and how famine declarations are made

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