The Hartmann Report - Because FDR kept in regular contact with the people, explaining every step he took while making fun of Republican obstruction and hammering “economic royalists” for the Republican Great Depression, American voters elected him to the presidency four times.
If Joe Biden had done the same during his four years, reaching out to the American people every week and heavily using the new (social) media, explaining and bragging on his many successes and blaming Republicans for their obstruction, either he or Kamala Harris would be in the White House today.\
Instead, like with professional media personality Ronald Reagan in 1980, we ended up with the president who NBC spent millions teaching how to do media and to promote his brand.
We no longer live in the radio era or even the age of television. Paul Harvey and Ed Sullivan are dead. Radio advertising revenue is in the crapper, the victim of podcasts; TV networks are laying off staff as they watch their ratings crater; even major old-line newspapers like The Washington Post are desperately trying to reinvent themselves for the social media century.
In the 1930s, if it didn’t happen on radio it didn’t happen. In the 1960s it was television. Today it’s YouTube, X, Facebook, TikTok, and Bluesky.
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