December 4, 2024


EcoWatch -  Efforts by nations to come to an agreement on a global plastics treaty failed on Monday. While more than 100 countries sought to put a limit on the world’s plastics production — in addition to tackling recycling and cleanupoil and gas companies were only prepared to address the problem of plastic waste. The meeting in Busan, South Korea was supposed to be the last, but negotiations will continue into 2025, reported The Associated Press. 

The Nation - We have less than two months to push President Biden to cement his legacy on climate before Trump and his Big Oil cronies take office.  Number one on Biden’s to-do list should be working with the Department of Energy to stop the largest buildout of fossil fuels in our country: the growth of new Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exports.

We know LNG exports present a massive risk to our climate, communities, and economy. LNG exports are worse than coal when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. They raise prices for US consumers. And new facilities, like the CP2 terminal in Louisiana, are poisoning communities and destroying the local environment.

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