October 1, 2024


Newsweek -  A man on TikTok has a hot take on workplace culture in a video posted by Conor O'Brien has gone viral after he shared that he wouldn't want a male boss. Since the video was posted, it has received nearly 7 million views and over 960,000 likes.

"Fellas, is it a little cringe to have a male boss?" O'Brien asked in the video. "What, you have a grown man tell you what to do all day? And you say, 'Yes sir, I'll have that done by end of day.' Couldn't be me, I only have female bosses. Y'all be good though."

People in the comments of O'Brien's video resonated with his sentiments—many from their own personal experiences with bosses of opposite sexes.  "For me, male bosses are chill until they are not chill, and then I'm super nervous," @maidenofmara wrote. "Then with female bosses, it's a fairly constant expectation of work."

"I've had one male boss and four female bosses. Guess which singular boss has been the only one to have multiple emotional outbursts in meetings, screaming till red in the face, and resigned after two years?" @aujbn wrote. "Hint: it's not any of the four females!" 

Non Profit Quarterly -  More than one out of five nonprofit workers cannot afford basic living expenses where they live—and the statistics are even worse for nonprofit workers of color, women, and people with disabilities. That’s the headline finding of a new report by Independent Sector, which advocates for the health of the nonprofit sector, and United for ALICE, a national research organization that focuses on understanding and addressing ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, and Employed) households.

The report, based on new research, represents a fresh and troubling perspective on the financial wellbeing of millions of nonprofit workers across the United States, where nonprofits employ roughly 10 percent of the nation’s workforce.


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