October 25, 2024


Pew Research - Majorities of U.S. registered voters say immigrants – both undocumented and legal – mostly fill jobs American citizens don’t want, as opposed to jobs citizens would like to have. Three-quarters of voters say undocumented immigrants fill jobs citizens don’t want, while a lower share (61%) say the same of legal immigrants, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in August 2024.

AP News -  The United States has brought hundreds of thousands of children from abroad to be adopted by American families. But along the way it left thousands of them without citizenship, through a bureaucratic loophole that the government has been aware of for decades and hasn’t fixed. Some of these adoptees live in hiding, fearing that tipping off the government could prompt their removal back to the country the U.S. claimed to have rescued them from. Some have already been deported. Read more.

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