October 25, 2024

Donald Trump

Guardian - A new temporary bronze installation depicting a pile of feces on Nancy Pelosi’s desk was erected in Washington DC this week across from the US Capitol, appearing to satirically “honor” the people behind the January 6 insurrection. The scatological statue, which was installed on Thursday, features a swirl somewhat resembling the common “poop” emoji sitting on a desk with Pelosi’s name.

“This memorial honors the brave men and women who broke into the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 to loot, urinate and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to overturn an election,” the plaque under the statue reads.

“President Trump celebrates these heroes of January 6th as ‘unbelievable patriots’ and ‘warriors.’ This monument stands as a testament to their daring sacrifice and lasting legacy.” The statue does not indicate who the artist is or who created it. However, according to the Washington Post, the National Park Service approved a permit request from Julia Jimenez-Pyzik of Civic Crafted LLC to install a statue on the National Mall until 30 October.

The Park Service added that when issuing permits it “does not consider the content of the message being presented”, and that “as federal land and America’s premier civic space, the National Mall serves as a forum where citizens can exercise their Constitutional rights to speech and assembly.”

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NBC - Trump said the U.S. is “like a garbage can for the rest of the world” during an immigration-focused rally in Arizona.

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