September 13, 2024


CNN  - Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, announced last month that an ongoing, years long review of voter rolls in Texas, which has nearly 18 million voters, had identified more than 6,500 “potential” noncitizens on the voter rolls. Of those, less than 2,000 have a voter history. He referred the latter to the state attorney general’s office “for investigation and potential legal action,” but no one has been accused of voting illegally...

In a state with about 8 million registered voters, a recent review of Ohio’s voter rolls resulted in the removal of 154,995 abandoned or inactive voter registrations. A far smaller number, 597, have been referred by Secretary of State Frank LaRose to the state’s attorney general for “further review and potential prosecution” for possibly registering to vote as a noncitizen. However, an even smaller number, 138, “appear to have cast a ballot in an Ohio election,” he said in a statement...

In 2022, Georgia, which has more than 7 million registered voters, announced the results of the first-ever citizenship review of its voter rolls. It found a grand total of 1,634 people “who had attempted to register to vote were not able to be verified,” according to a statement that year from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican. They were placed into “pending citizenship” status...

In a state with more than 8.6 million registered voters, an admitted glitch in Pennsylvania’s voter registration process enabled noncitizens legally in the US to unwittingly register to vote for a time. Between 2006 and 2017, when the glitch was discovered, at least 168 unauthorized people are thought to have been registered to vote in Philadelphia, a city of more than 1.5 million people. Those figures on the glitch come from a Republican member of the city’s election commission.

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