September 1, 2024

The hidden Project 2025

Thom Hartmann Report -  he Heritage Foundation’s notorious effort to radically transform America by undoing FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society, and the gains made by President Biden in the past three-plus years has become so well known, and thus so toxic, that Trump himself is backing away from it (even though over 140 of his former administration staffers and cabinet members helped put it together). Not to worry for rightwing world, though; with some overlap, another group, just formed three years ago, has their own 250-page blueprint to turn America into a fascist state. The America First Policy Institute has, like America First Legal, borrowed the notorious “America First” phrase from the actual Nazis who formed and ran it back in the 1940s and is positioning itself as the new leader of the Trump transition, should he win the White House this fall. Their agenda apparently includes gutting protective regulations and the agencies that enforce them, stepping up the production and use of fossil fuels, killing off programs to reduce the impact of climate change, and expanding the role of police in everything from our bedrooms to our schools to keeping an eye out for people who disagree with the new Trump administration. So far, AFPI has largely flown under the radar, but they’re definitely worth keeping an eye on as they appear to have major funding from rightwing billionaires (they don’t disclose their donors) and are well-stocked with Trump alumni.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Sadly, the hook is baited with BS and misleading propagada! We must avoid being reeled in at all cost! Save yourself America!