September 7, 2024


 Pew Research - As the NFL’s 2024 season kicks off, more than half of U.S. adults (53%) say football is “America's sport” – far more than the share who name baseball (27%) or another sport.

About six-in-ten Americans (62%) say they follow professional or college sports not too or not at all closely. Another 21% say they follow sports somewhat closely, while just 16% follow them extremely or very closely, according to the August survey of 11,945 U.S. adults.

Sports also aren’t an especially frequent topic of conversation for most Americans – whether that’s in person, by text, online or some other way. Some 63% of U.S. adults say they talk about sports with other people a few times a month or less often. Another 26% say they talk about sports once a week or a few times a week, and 10% say they talk about sports once a day or several times a day.


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