September 26, 2024

Project 2025

NBC News - Nearly all voters who are familiar with Project 2025, a conservative policy road map that Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party have used to criticize former President Donald Trump, view the plan in a negative light, a new NBC News poll shows. About 57% of registered voters report feeling negatively about Project 2025, with 51% saying they see the proposal “very” negatively and 7% more saying they view it “somewhat” negatively. Just 4% of voters reported viewing the conservative policy plan positively.

Among independents, 52% report feeling negatively about the plan, while 85% of Democrats say the same. About 33% of Republicans say they also view the plan negatively, with just 7% saying they have positive views of the plan, which Trump has criticized since Democrats ramped up efforts to tie him and Project 2025 together.

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