September 14, 2024


Pew Research - While awareness of the term has grown, the share who use Latinx to describe themselves is statistically unchanged: 4% of Latino adults say they have used Latinx to describe themselves, little changed from the 3% who said the same in 2019...

In the U.S., a Latino civil rights organization dropped its use of Latinx in 2021, while federal and state elected officials across both major political parties have moved to ban the term. Arkansas’ governor banned the use of Latinx in state government documents in 2023. Meanwhile, others remain advocates for the term and other gender-neutral alternatives.  

Latinx is broadly unpopular among Latino adults who have heard of it, according to the survey. 75% of Latinos who have heard of the term Latinx say it should not be used to describe the Hispanic or Latino population, up from 65% saying the same in 2019.

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