September 7, 2024


Axios - One lucky bidder will soon get the extremely rare chance to own a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

  • It's one of about 100 copies that were printed in 1787, after the Constitutional Convention, and sent out to the 13 colonies to review as they decided whether to ratify it.
  • The document was found about 10 years ago, accompanied by a letter from George Washington asking for ratification.

It'll go to auction Sept. 28 in Asheville, N.C. There are very few privately held copies of the Constitution, making it hard to estimate how much this one might ultimately cost.A copy that was used for internal debate by the founders sold for $43 million in 2021.  MORE

TMZ - In his controversial new documentary, "Lover of Men" filmmaker Shaun Peterson makes a compelling case for the theory that President Abraham Lincoln was gay. We caught up with the director on "TMZ Live" Friday, where Peterson touched on some of the evidence presented in the doc ... including 2 instances where the 16th President of the United States shared a bed with close male friends ...Peterson notes it was a common practice for men to share a bed in those days, as a way to save money ... but Lincoln did not face financial restraints at the time, earning several incomes from being a legislator and lawyer -- yet he still chose to split a mattress with businessman Joshua Fry Speed for 4 years.That's not the only relationship Peterson mentions ... the director also points out Lincoln's similar arrangement with Billy Greene.  VIDEO

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