September 6, 2024


CNN - The rollout of updated Covid-19 vaccines has begun in the US, but for the first time, the shots will no longer be free for people without insurance at their local pharmacy. Some states are still offering free vaccines to those who can't afford them, but it will cost more than $200 for uninsured adults to receive the shot at CVS Pharmacy.

Guardian UK - New research claims that exposure to outdoor light at night may increase the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in people under the age of 65.The researchers who conducted the study, funded by a National Institutes of Health grant and published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience on Friday, said they have found correlations between areas of the US with excessive exposure to artificial light at night and the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease.

In the US, at least 19 states have legislation in place aimed at reducing light pollution, but the authors of the study say that despite this, the “levels of light at night remain high in many parts of the country”. While “streetlights, roadway lighting, and illuminated signs can deter crime, make roads safer, and enhance landscaping”, undisrupted light, however, “comes with ecological, behavioral, and health consequences”, the authors said.


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