September 6, 2024


Guardian - State Republican parties have nominated 14 of the 84 fake electors from the 2020 presidential election to serve again as Republican party presidential electors, an indication of the legitimacy that election deniers continue to hold in some quarters of the GOP. The Republican parties of Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Nevada have each nominated one or more electors who attempted to submit themselves as electors for Donald Trump and Mike Pence in 2020 despite the former president losing in their states.

Presidential electors typically perform a rote but critical behind-the-scenes role in elections. Electors are first nominated by their political party, before voters choose their preferred candidate by casting a ballot. The National Archives explains the process: “When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you aren’t actually voting for President. You are telling your State which candidate you want your State to vote for at the meeting of electors.” In 2020, despite a majority of voters in New Mexico, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan voting for Biden, Republican electors went ahead and submitted certificates for Trump, mimicking the process they would have performed if Trump had won there.


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