September 18, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

Axios - Generative AI is demonstrating one of the most enduring laws in tech: Teenagers are always a lap ahead of their elders,...Efforts to keep kids safe from potentially harmful or dangerous technology regularly falter because adults don't understand what youngsters are actually doing.

Case in point: Many teens use generative AI tools like ChatGPT, but less than half (37%) of their parents think they do, according to a report released yesterday from Common Sense Media.

  • Another 40% are not sure whether their teens had used genAI or not.
  • Almost half (49%) say they have not talked to their teens about their AI use.

Educators, parents and legislators today are still struggling to place appropriate boundaries around young people's use of social media, which has been at the center of many teen lives for nearly two decades.  Now AI is racing into homes and schools faster than parents can keep up.

Since teens are going to use generative AI no matter what, the adults around them need to understand and educate themselves and their kids about the technology's flaws and biases.

P.S. The rise of AI will boost the global economy by a cumulative $19.9 trillion by 2030, according to a new study by marketing research giant IDC. Get Axios AI+.

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