August 30, 2024

Social Security

 Jim Hightower - Right-wing ideologues are mounting a three-pronged fraud trying to delegitimize Social Security, slash its benefits, then – zzzzzt – kill it.First, they tried to demonize our public retirement program as a socialist horror. That hasn’t worked, since this pension literally works, allowing millions of workaday American families to escape old age poverty. So, in Lie Number Two, they shriek: “Social Security is bankrupt – you future retirees will be left penniless in old age!” Uh… no. The bulk of retiree benefits are covered by payroll taxes, which continue to flow in, so the program is in no danger at all of folding. Well, they exclaim in Lie Number Three, even to keep the program on life support requires gutting it by raising people’s retirement age to 70 or older and slashing monthly payments to retirees.Uh… gosh, no again. 

Such a gut-job would be immoral – half of America’s workers get no retirement benefits except Social Security. Plus, such callousness is totally unnecessary, because there’s an obvious, easy, and fair fix: Apply the Social Security tax to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One more glaring examples of the obvious truth that taxation has always favored the wealthy. There is no legitimate proof that the wea;thy should not bear a proportinate burden in fundig Soxcial Scecurity