August 29, 2024

Donald Trump

Donald Trump said he will fire America’s leading Generals and replace them with MAGA Generals.
Via Mayra Photography


Peter Wehner : "Betrayal is a core character trait of Trump’s. He’s betrayed his wives, his mistresses, his friends, his business associates, people who have worked for him, and his country. There is no person and no cause he will not double-cross."

 A Catalog of Trump’s Worst Cruelties, Collusions, Corruptions, and Crimes

Mike Allen, Axios -  The Trump campaign tells me it's "weighing options" on whether to release its footage of an altercation with Arlington National Cemetery officials. A cemetery worker who confronted Trump aides won't press charges because she fears pursuing the matter could subject her to retaliation from Trump supporters, the N.Y. Times reports. MORE

Mediaite - Since Harris announced she was running for the Oval Office, Trump and his supporters have made sexist remarks about the vice president regarding her dating history. Trump has stated Harris got her start in politics by dating longtime California politician Willie Brown.The GOP nominee echoed these allegations by sharing on Truth Social a screenshot of a tweet from X showing Harris and Clinton standing together in a picture with the caption, “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…” The comment is a reference to the affair former President Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky while serving in the White House and Clinton’s subsequent impeachment resulting from the scandal.

AP News - Donald Trump’s campaign was warned about not taking photographs before an altercation at Arlington National Cemetery during a wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, a defense official told The Associated Press on Wednesday on the condition of anonymity. Read more.

NPR - Former President Donald Trump shared a TikTok video yesterday including footage that likely violates federal law against using military cemeteries for campaigning purposes. The video was posted after NPR reported Trump campaign staffers had a physical altercation Monday with an Arlington National Cemetery staffer who was trying to enforce restrictions during a remembrance ceremony. Only cemetery staff are authorized to take photographs or film in the area.

NPR’s Stephen Fowler says the Gold Star families that invited Trump gave him approval for a videographer and photographer to document the emotional moment, but families don’t have the power to suspend the rules. NPR also learned the family of a Green Beret whose headstone was visible in Trump’s footage didn’t give permission to be included. A Trump campaign representative said the Arlington staffer was “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.” JD Vance, Trump’s vice presidential nominee, said yesterday that Vice President Harris could “go to hell” over the Afghanistan withdrawal and blamed reporters for the controversy.

MSNBC - Donald Trump said Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are at fault “to a certain extent” for the attempt on his life last month in Pennsylvania, blaming them for security deficiencies even though the president and vice president have no involvement in Secret Service assignments.“He always made it very tough for us to have the proper number of Secret Service people,” Trump said about Biden in an interview with TV personality Phil McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil.


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