MSN -- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday questioned whether Democrats knew where Vice President Kamala Harris “came from,” reprising a tactic that he has previously used against other Democrats, including former president Barack Obama and women of color in Congress.Trump also freshly described Harris’s policy positions as a “regulatory jihad,” without explanation, using a loaded Arabic term often translated as holy war. He consistently mispronounced her first name, which her supporters see as demeaning and racist toward Harris, a Black and Indian American woman. At another point, he questioned her upbringing.
“I wonder if they knew where she comes from, where she came from, what her ideology is,” Trump said, referencing Harris’s father, a distinguished Jamaican economist.
Just a reminder
New Republic -Donald Trump capped the first week of his campaign’s so-called “reset,” already punctuated with chaotic speeches that veered off topic into personal attacks against Kamala Harris, with yet another chaotic speech that veered off topic into personal attacks.While Trump initially seemed more interested in staying on script than his previous failed forays, he still couldn’t help but shift his speech on economic issues into immature smears and complaining.
“Joe Biden hates her, okay? Hates her. You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter for a second, do you? Joe Biden hates her,” Trump said. “This was the overthrow of a president. This was an overthrow. They went out, and I spent $100 million fighting Joe Biden.”
Trump proceeded to make several asides, diverting to his same tired lines and some particularly meandering stories. At one point, he caught himself getting off topic. “They’ll say, ‘He was rambling.’ I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy, you know, really smart. I don’t ramble,” Trump rambled.“Anytime I hit too hard, they say, ‘He was rambling!’ Rambling?” Trump said, incredulous.Trump: "They'll say, 'he was rambling.' I don't ramble. I'm a really smart guy."
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