July 9, 2024


What the Supreme Court Immunity Decision Means for All Four Trump Trials

 KFOX -  Donald Trump still owes several cities money from past campaign rallies, including El Paso. Information compiled in 2019 from the Centers for Public Integrity shows that at least 12 cities were owed money, showing El Paso was owed the most. Laura Cruz-Acosta, communications director for the City of El Paso confirmed Trump has an outstanding balance of $569,204.63 which includes a one-time late fee of $98,787.58 for his February 2019 visit.

We also reached out to the other 11 cities on the CPI named as still being owed money, these cities are:

  1. Tucson, Arizona
  2. Mesa, Arizona
  3. Albuquerque, New Mexico
  4. Spokane, Washington
  5. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
  6. Billings, Montana
  7. Erie, Pennsylvania
  8. Lebanon, Ohio
  9. Green Bay, Wisconsin
  10. Burlington, Vermont
  11. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Two responded. The police chief in Billings told KFOX14 Trump owes the city $45,900 for his 2018 visit. City officials in Green Bay sent an invoice showing he owes $9,380 for his 2016 rally but was in the city just this year in March and the city is still waiting for the more than $33,000 payment for that visit.




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