July 27, 2024


CNN -  Americans in general are facing an escalating number of health challenges, from high obesity rates to declining life expectancy. These challenges also disproportionately affect Black women. Vanessa Garrison and T. Morgan Dixon decided they weren't going to take these ominous numbers lying down and formed the non-profit GirlTrek to reclaim their health through walking. “It wasn’t because we were walking enthusiasts or because we love to walk. When we started we were just trying to save our own lives,” Dixon said. On November 18, 2020 — 10 years after launching — the one millionth member laced up with GirlTrek. Now in 2024, more than 1,370,000 members have joined and formed walking teams across the country. GirlTrek’s goal is to keep growing and get more women to take its pledge to walk 30 minutes a day. The activity can help fight diabetes and reduce the risks of heart disease, stroke and dementia. MORE

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