June 8, 2024


Washington Post - Russ Vought, who served as the former president’s budget chief, calls his political strategy for razing long-standing guardrails “radical constitutionalism.” He has helped craft proposals for Donald Trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize more control over the Justice Department and assert the power to withhold congressional appropriations — and that’s just on Trump’s first day back in office.

Vought, 48, is poised to steer this agenda from an influential perch in the White House, potentially as Trump’s chief of staff, according to some people involved in discussions about a second term who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Since Trump left office, Vought has led the Center for Renewing America, part of a network of conservative advocacy groups staffed by former and potentially future Trump administration officials. Vought’s rise is a reminder that if Trump is reelected, he has said he will surround himself with loyalists eager to carry out his wishes, even if they violate traditional norms against executive overreach.

“We are living in a post-Constitutional time,” Vought wrote in a seminal 2022 essay, which argued that the left has corrupted the nation’s laws and institutions. Last week, after a jury convicted Trump of falsifying business records, Vought tweeted: “Do not tell me that we are living under the Constitution.”

Occupy Democrats  - Republican George Conway, husband of Kellyanne, spills the beans on the best way to infuriate Donald Trump and urges all of us to "laugh at him" because it drives him up the wall. And he was just getting started... During an appearance on The Daily Show, Conway bluntly stated that America still has "not had a full national conversation" about Trump's profoundly sick psychological condition. He said that according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Trump is a sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder. "That needs to be talked about openly," he said. "It needs to be pointed out, when he is doing things that meet those criteria, and it’s gotta be pointed out, and it drives him nuts when people do that."... "The other thing I would recommend to liberals is, don’t get mad," said Conway. "The people who support Trump like when liberals get mad; that’s why they like Trump." "You can make fun of him and mock him. I mean, this is what these shows do," Conway said.

Politicususa - Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg told House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) that he is willing to cooperate but only after Trump has been sentenced and the appeals process is underway. Bragg’s response can be summarized as he believes in transparency, is open to cooperating with the committee, but there is zero chance that the DA is going to say anything about Trump’s case before the ex-president is sentenced and the appeals process is rolling. Bragg knew what Jim Jordan was trying to do. Chairman Jordan was obviously attempting to meddle in the Trump case to influence the ex-president’s sentencing. DA Bragg wasn’t about to play that game and is fully aware that Jordan has no oversight authority or power over Bragg. All Jordan can do is request that Bragg appear to testify. If Jim Jordan tried to compel Bragg to testify in any way, the Ohio Republican would lose in court.


Kevin Carson said...

Could you please start consistently posting links to actual tweets instead of just the Twitter account? It's just as easy to copy-paste one as the other, and it saves people who want to see the original the trouble of having to scroll through the entire feed to find one tweet.
Thank you.

Sam Smith said...

Sorry. Will do.