June 28, 2024


Larry Cuban - A recent survey found that 95 percent of all teens own smartphones in 2024. Moreover, over half of all teens agers 13 to 17 say they visit YouTube "almost constantly" or "several times a day." Overall, 93 percent of teenagers said that they are online "almost constantly" or "several times a day."

Such online activity among teenagers has stirred much anxiety and even fears among teachers, parents, and legislators. For anyone familiar with these devices, they are surely informative and amusing but can be a major distraction during lessons. The states of Florida and Indiana, for example, banned smartphones during the school day. More states are considering similar legislation. Los Angeles, the second largest school district in the nation, banned use during the school day. New York City, according to the Chancellor of the New York City schools, will announce a ban shortly. Other states and school district are also considering such actions.

Advocates for a no-phone rule say that students will be less distracted; they can pay attention to what teachers are teaching without hiding their phones or sneaking glances at them. Opponents of a no-phone rule, however, argue that banning smartphones would hinder students' independent thinking (i.e., finding new sources for an on-going class discussion, answering teachers' questions, and completing in-class assignments).



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