June 15, 2024

Supreme Court

 Hartmann Report - There’s way too much celebrating going on around the unanimous Supreme Court decision yesterday that The New York Times characterized with the headline, “Supreme Court Maintains Broad Access to Abortion Pill” and The Washington Post headlined, “Supreme Court upholds broad access to key abortion pill mifepristone.” In fact, the Supreme Court took no such stand with regard to mifepristone, abortion, Plan B, or even contraception. They merely said that the doctors who brought the case had not yet suffered any actual harm themselves, and therefore had no basis to sue in the first place. Turning the case down was also a quick-and-easy way for the Republican justices on the Court to get out from under the spotlight glaring on personal corruption, bribe-taking, and their other anti-woman decisions, causing people to think that maybe they can be reasonable, Sam Alito arguing otherwise notwithstanding

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the Times and Post misinformation central? Or are they incapable of accurately comprehending the tortured logic often expressed by the Once-Supreme Justices?

Semper Paratus