June 17, 2024

Middle East

 1440 - The Israeli military has announced a limited "tactical pause" in fighting in a portion of Gaza until further notice. The daily pause, from 8 am to 7 pm local time, is scheduled to occur along a 7.4-mile-long road in Rafah to better facilitate the flow of aid trucks from Israel's main crossing to Gaza's north-south highway.

The UN warns over 1 million Palestinians could face famine next month without a significant increase in aid deliveries. Israel says more than 200 trucks deliver aid to its Kerem Shalom crossing every day but the aid has built up at the crossing, with limited trucks to bring the aid to and from recipients in the south. Israel accuses the UN of logistical failures in facilitating the aid deliveries, while the UN blames Israeli shelling for an insecure route.

The unilateral pause is independent of a broader US-proposed cease-fire. Hamas last week responded to the plan with proposed changes the US says are not workable. Israel has yet to submit a formal response. See updates on the war here.

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