June 5, 2024


 AP News - President Joe Biden tried to address a major liability for his reelection campaign by taking executive action to significantly restrict asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. But it’s unclear whether his efforts will be enough to change the minds of voters who have increasingly voiced alarm over the record influx of migrants on his watch.  Polls have found immigration and border security to be a top issue this election year and one that has been seized on by former President Donald Trump and his campaign. Most Americans, 56%, say Biden’s presidency has hurt the country on the issue of immigration and border security, according to an AP-NORC poll conducted in April. That’s far higher than the number – 37% – who said the same about Trump’s time in office. Biden’s announcement laid bare lasting divisions among Democrats, as his stance has shifted further to the right over the last four years. Some left-leaning lawmakers and immigration advocates that form a key part of his coalition criticized Biden’s actions as a return to the measures that marked Trump’s tenure.

Axios  - The U.S. will depend on Mexico to take in migrants rejected under the order. But officials didn't indicate that Mexico will expand its existing cooperation.Congress hasn't provided new funds to help carry out such a shift in process and policy. And the administration is preparing for fast legal challenges. Border numbers have fallen drastically from the record high in December, and they've held relatively steady for most of this year.


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