June 8, 2024


 Recent Pew Research re

Voters who favor Biden overwhelmingly say that diversity strengthens society: 82% say this and just 4% say it weakens the U.S. In contrast, the views of Trump supporters are more split: While about half (49%) say diversity strengthens American society, about a third of Trump supporters (32%) say that having a diverse society doesn’t make much difference, and about two-in-ten (19%) say it weakens society.

Nearly two-thirds of voters (65%) say the fact that the U.S. population is made up of people of many different races, ethnicities and religions strengthens American society. About one-in-ten (11%) say this weakens American society, while 23% say it doesn’t make much difference.

Majorities across racial and ethnic groups say that this strengthens society, including 67% of Hispanic voters, 66% of Black voters and 64% of White voters. Asian voters are particularly likely to say this (76%).

Nearly two-thirds of Black voters (66%) say that White people benefit a great deal from advantages in society that Black people do not have. By comparison, about three-in-ten Asian (31%) and Hispanic voters (30%) say this, along with just 16% of White voters.

Among registered voters, eight-in-ten Biden supporters say that White people benefit at least a fair amount from advantages in society that Black people do not have. By contrast, only 22% of Trump supporters say this.



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