June 17, 2024


 Study Finds - A recent poll from the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital sheds light on the sleep habits and challenges of children aged 1-6 years, offering valuable insights for weary parents. Perhaps of greatest concern is that nearly 1 in 4 young kids struggle with anxiety at bedtime. The poll, which surveyed a national sample of 781 parents of kids under 7, found that the vast majority (90%) have a bedtime routine for their child. These routines often include rituals like brushing teeth (90%), reading bedtime stories (67%), taking a bath (54%), having a drink of water (47%) or a snack (23%), turning off devices (41%), praying (31%), and talking about their day (23%). Many children also have specific bedtime habits, such as holding a blanket or stuffed animal (47%), sucking a pacifier (7%), or sucking their thumb or fingers (6%).

When it comes to sleeping arrangements, the poll found that 47% of children sleep in their own bedroom, while 21% share a bedroom with siblings. However, 22% of children sleep in their parents’ bedroom, and another 10% start the night in their own room but end up with their parents at some point. As for the sleep environment itself, 61% of parents leave a night light on, 14% crack the door to let some light in, and 25% keep the room dark. While 39% of parents keep the room quiet, others opt for white noise (33%), soft music (15%), or even a video or TV show (13%) to help their child drift off.


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