June 25, 2024

Alternative sex and gender

Independent UK -  A majority of Republicans don’t support same-sex marriage, according to a new Gallup poll. Forty-six percent of GOP respondents said they think same-sex marriage should be legal, down from 49 percent the previous year. Even fewer Republicans, 40 percent, said they find same-sex relationships morally acceptable...These views put the party at odds with a majority of their fellow Americans, according to the data.

Overall, 69 percent of respondents signaled their legal support for same-sex marriage, including 83 percent of Democrats and 74 percent of independents. The declining support among Republicans comes as the number of Americans who self-identify as LGBT+ has doubled over the last decade, from 3.5 percent in 2012 to 7.6 percent this year.

Washington Post - The Supreme Court agreed yesterday to review a ban on gender transition care.  A Tennessee law bans gender care for people under 18, including puberty blockers. The court will review the law in its next term, which begins in October. About half of U.S. states have passed such bans or restrictions for minors. This will be the first opportunity for justices to consider whether they’re constitutional.

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