June 11, 2024


Newsweek - A majority of Black Americans believe that abortion and birth control are meant to keep the population of minorities in the U.S. smaller, a new poll found. On Monday, the Pew Research Center released the results of a new poll about how Black Americans feel about several different "racial conspiracy theories," throughout the U.S.

"While many Black Americans view themselves as at least somewhat successful and are optimistic about their financial future, they are also critical of U.S. institutions. Most say several systems in the United tates need significant changes to ensure Black people are treated fairly," the poll said.

The poll asked respondents how they felt about some racial conspiracy theories surrounding reproductive health including abortion and birth control medication. According to the poll, 58 percent of Black Americans said they agreed with the sentiment that "the government promotes birth control/abortion in order to keep the Black population small." Similarly, the poll found 62 percent of Black Americans agreeing with the idea that "the government encourages single motherhood among Black women to eliminate the need for Black men."


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